Note: This page is accessible only by the Site Administrator.
Navigate to Manage Notifications > Alert Templates
Alert template
List of templates will appear.
Click on the Create Template on the top right Corner of the screen.
Create Template
Window pops up with the details to be filled for the new template.
Fill in the title and description of the template and checkbox Shortlist if the template needs to be shown in the template lists.
Once the details are filled in Click on Save.
New window will open up with the new notification template, which can now be used to fill in the details.
In the New UX template we can customize each field of the template according to how it needs to be shown when sending out notification.
Customize each field as follows:
Editable: The field can be edited.
Read-only: The field cannot be edited.
Visible: The field will be visible when template is accessed from the Dashboard.
Hidden:The field will be hidden when template is accessed from the Dashboard.
Use the toggle button on the top of each page to make each tab visible or hidden as needed.
The template has different tab which needs to be filled in with required information as mentioned below.
Alert Details: This tab contains
Title of the Notification
Priority of the notification
Notification Text: The message which needs to be conveyed to the recipients.
How recipients receive this notification: Select the channels to be used to send out the notification.
Private: Should this alert only appear on the web dashboard for everyone, or only its recipients: Toggle Yes if needed to be marked as Private.
Instructions, Information, Workaround and / or Policy: A section where links to any procedure or a floor plan or detailed steps to be taken can be added.
Action Responses: Select or create new responses which need to be made available to the recipient.
Targeting: This Tab contains
Locations:Select the locations required
Groups:Select the required groups
Subscriptions: if the template is a major incident template, then select the subscription which is affected.
Auto Follow Up: This tab contains
Auto Follow up: Toggle button to enable or disable
How many times to follow up with users who did not reply?
How frequently (in minutes) should the user receive notification?
Preview: This tab provides an overview of how many users are going to receive notification and which are the channels to be used.
Edit Template: In this tab the title and the description of the template can be changed.
Once the details are filled in Click on Save template to save the template
Editing a Template
Navigate to Manage Notifications > Alert Templates
Edit a Template:
A list of all templates will be shown.
Click the edit button in front of the template you wish to edit.
The template will open in the edit mode.
Once the template has been edited as required.
Click on the Save Template to save the changes made to the template.