Creating Planned Maintenance

Klaxon allows you to create planned maintenance by describing the maintenance, including how this maintenance impacts subscriptions.

Klaxon then sends out a weekly digest to everyone that is subscribed to the planned maintenance digest, outlining the impact to each subscription at the recipients home location.

The planned maintenance module is typically used by IT and Facilities teams. However, its use is not limited to this.

There are three steps to creating planned maintenance.

Firstly, go to Planned Maintenance >

Step 1: Build

On the screen above, please complete the appropriate fields:

  • Title: Enter a short description of the major incident, e.g. xxx system unavailable, intermittent network connectivity. This will be shown on the web dashboard.
  • Status: Select appropriate status for the planned maintenance.
  • Start Time: the date and start time of the planned maintenance.
  • Estimated End Time: the estimated end date and time of the planned maintenance.
  • Description: Enter a brief description of the planned maintenance.
  • Instructions | Information | Workaround | Policy: Include additional information that is relevant to this planned maintenance, such as a workaround.

Click Next.

Step 2: Target

planned maintenance details

Please complete the following fields:

  • Ignore user subscription preference: Select this option if you would like to target the planned maintenance at locations only. The subscriptions field above will disappear.
  • Subscription: Click to browser or type to select an appropriate subscription affected by the planned maintenance. Multiple subscriptions can be selected to reflect the impact of the major incident.
  • Locations: Type to select appropriate locations affected by the incident if you know the location. Alternatively, use the checkboxes below to identify locations impacted.

Useful info:

  • Subscriptions and Locations work together to narrow the recipients your target.

Step 3: Save

Once step 2 above is completed and save button is clicked, Klaxon will display the planned maintenance on the Planned Maintenance dashboard page, as below.

Klaxon will then send out a weekly digest to everyone that is subscribed to the planned maintenance digest, outlining the impact to each subscription at the recipients location.

planned maintenance calendar view export to outlook google

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